Teachers Do NOT Have Favorites!?

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Erin Hunkemoeller
Sarah Ross


Every year of my teaching career thus far, the students have taken it upon themselves to choose my “favorites”.  Sometimes it is the student with the highest GPA.  Other times it is the class clown because we exchange constant sarcastic banter.  One year it happened to be on of my theater kids.  The justification is endless for the students.  Whatever the reason, the student population in general is DETERMINED to prove that I (along with many other teachers) have a favorite student.   I myself firmly believed that I was the favorite of a teacher or two during my years of high school.

I would like to formally eradicate the Favorite Student Fable from my life!  Admittedly, at some points I have thought I had favorites.  I know now, this simply isn’t true.  I do not have favorite students, but I certainly do have a lot of amazing memories.  So many, in fact, that it is simply impossible to choose a favorite.  In a recent job interview, the principal asked me to describe my favorite student.  I was stunned.  I could not categorize all of my “babies,” and choose JUST ONE STUDENT. Impossible.  I actually asked him if I had to pick just one?!?!  He insisted on an answer.  What’s a prof to do?

I hastily settled on a memory from my debut of teaching.  I told him about a group of gals that were with me for my  first four years, and that I took to Europe for the first time.  Those lovely ladies made teaching and traveling such a joy.  They loved learning, and they were sponges! They soaked up every morsel of knowledge I passed out.  It was the trip of a lifetime for those ladies, and my heart was full to experience that alongside them.  However, that was many years ago! There have been so many memories since then. ( trust me, they are not always splendid ones!)  How could I possibly choose a favorite? The answer is, I won’t.  And you shouldn’t either.  Keep making amazing memories.
